The Power of Whole Body Health: Addressing the Root Cause of Chronic Diseases

Me, one morning in France in my favorite pjs and socks, eating chia seed pudding for breakfast just appreciating the beauty I saw and the good that there was, and is despite at the time feeling very stressed with all the traveling and the rise of inflammation from all the different eating patterns I had while traveling.

In a world where chronic diseases are becoming alarmingly common, it's crucial to take a closer look at their root cause and the steps we can take to prevent and reverse them. Chronic diseases account for a staggering 80% of healthcare costs and are the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. What's even more concerning is that these diseases, such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, and dementia, are no longer exclusive to the elderly; they are increasingly affecting younger, seemingly healthy individuals. The common thread connecting these seemingly unrelated conditions is inflammation. Yet, there is a hopeful approach that we all can begin to take. It is the most accessible and sustainable health approach because of how simple it is.

The Silent Culprit: Inflammation

Inflammation, often considered a silent villain, is at the heart of many chronic diseases. It's a natural and necessary part of the body's defense mechanism, but when it becomes chronic, it wreaks havoc on our health. The insidious nature of chronic inflammation is that it can quietly smolder for years before manifesting as a diagnosable disease. Our bodies, however, send signals of distress long before the disease takes hold. These signals can be physical sensations, pains, discomforts, but also emotional ups and downs like mood swings, irritability, brain fog, lack of motivation, and fatigue.

The Breaking Point

Unfortunately, many of us only become aware of our health when it feels like we're already broken. At this point, we often resort to quick fixes, such as medications, which may temporarily alleviate symptoms but do little to address the root cause. These quick fixes often come at the cost of other bodily functions in the long term.

A More Hopeful Approach: Whole Body Health

But there is a more hopeful and sustainable approach: whole body health, often referred to as holistic health. This approach focuses on addressing the factors that likely led to your current state of health. It involves making seemingly "small" changes that have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

Key Factors in Whole Body Health

  1. Lifestyle Choices: Start by evaluating your daily choices, including what you eat, how much alcohol or caffeine you consume, the quality of your sleep, the media you consume, the people you associate with, your exercise routine, how you regulate your emotions, your sense of purpose and connection, and your exposure to toxins.

  2. Awareness: The first step in this journey is to become aware of your behaviors, actions, beliefs, and attitudes. This self-awareness is the cornerstone of change.

  3. Identifying Patterns: With increased awareness, you'll begin to notice patterns in your life. Patterns that contribute to inflammation and poor health. These patterns might be dietary, emotional, or environmental.

  4. Conscious Decision-Making: Armed with awareness and an understanding of your patterns, you can now consciously make informed decisions to create positive change. This process involves taking baby steps, one at a time.

Enter: The Power of the FOOD MOOD POO Journal

One invaluable tool that can greatly aid in this journey toward whole body health is the FOOD MOOD POO Journal, readily available on Amazon. This journal is designed to help you cultivate awareness of the intricate connections between your dietary choices, emotional well-being, and digestive health. By tracking what you eat, your mood fluctuations while reflecting on the why behind those changes, along with your digestive experiences, you can uncover powerful insights into your body's responses to different foods and emotions plus daily habits like water intake, movement frequency, and sleep patterns. This journal isn't just about food; it's a holistic approach to health. It provides a structured framework to document daily choices and emotions, helping you identify patterns you may not have been aware of before. With each journal entry, you'll inch closer to a more profound understanding of your unique body, enabling you to make informed decisions that support your whole body health journey. So, whether you're just starting or looking to deepen your self-awareness, the FOOD MOOD POO Journal can be an invaluable companion on your path to vibrant well-being.


In a world where chronic diseases are on the rise, we have the power to take control of our health by addressing the root cause: inflammation. Whether that inflammation is the result of chronic stress, PTSD, your current lifestyle habits or all of the above, it warrants your attention. Whole body health, a holistic approach, empowers us to make small but significant changes in our lifestyle choices, leading to improved well-being and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. The journey begins with self-awareness, followed by the identification of patterns and, ultimately, conscious decision-making. Remember, there's hope, and you've got this!

For assistance in embarking on your whole body health journey, explore the resources available through my link 🥳. Your pathway to vibrant health awaits!

Haley Yvonne

As a curious learner, researcher and health coach, Haley loves sharing the latest research and health education along with personal revelations to inspire, support and encourage people on their own unique wellness journeys. She specializes in gut healing, trauma-informed emotional regulation techniques, and positive behavior change for whole body health. Haley’s passion is co-creating new paths of wellness with people who are ready and willing to make lifestyle changes that will help them stay well and experience more joy, everyday.

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