You Are Not Broken

Valley near Mount Shasta

This is a poem that I just randomly thought about and passionately wrote. I hope that it inspires you to keep going!

Dearie, you may be sad, you may be down, you may look around and see nothing but bleak and gray.

Love, may I just say — you are not broken.

Sure it may be easy to list off all the things wrong physically, emotionally or environmentally but what if I told you that you do not need to be “fixed” because you are not broken.

What if instead we looked at your health as a journey? One of ups and downs. Valleys and mountains that are necessary life learnings?

Sure your hormones may be out of whack, I totally get that, but what would happen if you believed they could and would bounce back?

Maybe you struggle with sticking to new habits, it’s confusing and challenging and at first not very rewarding.

Yet, this does not mean you are broken.

Your inner fire, sweet yet fiery one, just needs a little extra stoking. To make it crystal clear why you are here and where to go next on this grand life quest.

Perhaps your digestive system is all out of sorts, which indeed is quite debilitating I can personally report, but what if I told you after exploring a few lifestyle changes that it is possible to feel well and live a life you just might adoring?

And maybe you struggle with weight, going up and down on a never-ending rollercoaster that constantly brings a frown, yet what if I told you that you are already the person you wish to be, inside of you is the person you wish to see. Now, it’s just time to align with the inner you, to nourish your body and mind like you know deep within you want to do, to treat yourself as an aspect of the divine. To live a life fully aligned.

Because yes you are indeed a wonderful creation. You are worthy of happiness and good health and so much elation.

In a world where we are told to “take this for that,” we treat ourselves like we would treat a car or machine, a thing. One with no soul or spirit. We learn overtime that we must be broken and the only solution is to be fixed to keep growing.

But with this mindset we will always fall short because whole body and mind health is a journey not something to try a few times and then quickly abort.

Quick fixes do not address your inner spirit. Quick fixes just help us patch up and keep pretending.

It takes time to learn what works for your body. It can take even more time to cultivate a loving, supportive mindset. And maybe a little bit more to peel back the conditioned layers that have been hiding the real you.

But it is just a matter of time.

So Dearie, be patient with your self as you wade through these waters. Anything new can be challenging and even scary, yet equally wonderful and merry. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, but it is always worth the time and the believing.

Keep pushing through, reconnecting to your true self and remembering you are not broken.

For you were made whole.

There is none like you. You are a miracle, a one of a kind. A beacon of light amidst the dark blue.

So I am here to remind that beneath all the layers, the true you is there, waiting for you to see your very own radiance. The light that is steady and bright. That has been with you all along, guiding you and gently encouraging you. Have you been listening or have you turned a blind eye? The real you is waiting, do not deny for that only makes the feelings of discomfort worse, it’s time for you to step on the path that aligns with the you that you have been all along, whether hidden away or at the forefront of your dreams.

It’s time to BE who you want to be.

Love, your true self is ready for you to put on a shiny pair of new life glasses and see things with a grand plot twist — you are not broken.

You see, you are WHOLE, and have always been.

You are merely going through one of your unique life’s adventures. And what an adventure it may be! Perhaps it is long and feels never-ending but dear courageous one hold on to your crystal clear reasons of wanting to feel well and you will see that each day your vision gives you strength as strong as steal.

And with these new glasses, you will see that those deeply held reasons, supportive beliefs and dreams are becoming more and more of your reality.

So keep believing and keeping asking yourself, does this align with the true ME?

For you, dear Phoenix, are not broken.


If this poems resonates with you, I would love to hear from you - feel free to email your thoughts and perhaps what vision you have for your health and who you want to BE! Contact me at: :)

Haley Yvonne

As a curious learner, researcher and health coach, Haley loves sharing the latest research and health education along with personal revelations to inspire, support and encourage people on their own unique wellness journeys. She specializes in gut healing, trauma-informed emotional regulation techniques, and positive behavior change for whole body health. Haley’s passion is co-creating new paths of wellness with people who are ready and willing to make lifestyle changes that will help them stay well and experience more joy, everyday.

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